As his pal falls through the same path, it seems possible to me that his buddy could have jumped after him with the rock, and dropped it from above.
That'd be a pretty dangerous hoax to pull off. What happens if the rock hit the parachute? A better hoax, i guess. "Skydiver killed by meteorite"
This was amazing!!!!! Talk about a way to die.
I think the syntax of your post is jumbled. I watched the video and I immediately thought the same thing, it was likely the other diver dropping it. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the right, unfortunately. That said, would it have had such a quicker velocity than them if it were dropped by the other jumper?
True, plus the other jumper could have intentionally been falling faster than the jumper with the camera when he let go of the rock. If it is a hoax, it's a bizarre one to conceive.
mk, thenewgreen you really think it was a hoax? I didn't even consider that when I watched it initially? OK after looking at the statistics of how many meteorite falls their have ever been I'm much more convinced that this could've been a hoax. Meteorite Fall Statistics That said, they sent a search party to the woods after they got down. So if they do find something down there... well then this was one of the most amazing things that have probably ever happened by chance.
I mean he's a geologist. I'd be pretty easily excitable too if the timeframe of everything I studied was in the tens of thousands of years.