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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  3970 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Airbnb and Lyft Finally Got Americans to Trust Each Other

I haven't, but as I told b_b, I've only been using it since Monday, so I don't have a lot of experience with the app. I'm actually on both Tinder and OKCupid for the moment, getting more "success" through OKCupid - I use quotes with success because the sole aim of my OKC account is to find people to play tennis with(Footnote) and as a result my profile is extremely sparse and mainly talks about tennis - but I did attempt tennis with a platonic OKC-er last week and I may actually be going on a tennis date this Saturday, if the guy hasn't lost interested and does email me back.

I think I'm more inclined to have actual success meeting people through OKC and Tinder this go around than I have been before though, and it's partially due to a trust factor. Then again, I think Hubski may be what has made me slightly more comfortable with meeting people on the internet. Because you all are truly fantastic :)

(Footnote)I'm interested in seeing how people handle tennis and if it reveals anything interesting about their character. Also, I'm terrible at traditional first dates and especially those through OKCupid. I get nervous about meeting new people with "date" expectations. It's silly, I know.

b_b  ·  3970 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I tried internet dating for about ten minutes, and it landed me a wife. True story.

_refugee_  ·  3970 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've been on and off OKC for five years. I've never had that kind of resounding success, clearly :) I haven't met anyone I've dated for more than a month or two on it. I'd ask you to tell me your secrets, but apparently they are:

1) log on 2) find wife 3) quit!

b_b  ·  3970 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What can I say? I live a charmed life ;)

Actually, there's just a bit more to the story than that. Last summer I reconnected with an old friend, a friend I had seen a few times since high school, but not kept up with at all. Anyway, we have a mutual friend who invited us both to the bar on a particular night last July. By the end of the evening, I was madly in love, and pretty much decided this was the girl that I was going to marry.

Little problem: I was living with a girl at the time, and had been for a few years. We were on the outs, but still, it's not so easy to cut it off just like that. A couple months went by, and finally the last few embers of my then current relationship died out, and I found myself free once again. I hadn't tried to contact my friend since that night, because I didn't want to get friend zoned. Rather, I wasn't at all interested in becoming friends with her.

Anyway, September, October and November passed, and I was kinda on a hot streak through that stretch, all the while trying to decide how long is appropriate to wait to try to actually date someone again, as a four year relationship needs some time to get flushed out properly.

I was having dinner with a friend of mine, a formerly cool woman turned wife and mother of two, who at times likes to live vicariously through my exploits. She convinced me that I there's a lot of tail on the web, were I only to look. She urged me to get a Match profile, and so that night I went home and created one. On Match, they ask you a bunch of bullshit questions about what you like, what you do, etc. So I went through the whole business, hit submit, and of the (literally) 2500+ matches in my area that they pulled for me, the girl whom I instantly fell in love with back in July was #5. Number. 5. No shit. A 99% match, whateverthefuck that means.

Needless to say I was taken aback and quite intrigued. It was apparent to me that now was exactly the right time to call her (when is now ever the wrong time to act?). That was a Thursday night in December. I called her on Saturday afternoon. We went out the next Thursday, a few days before Christmas. We got engaged in the end of February. Fucked up, right? Sometimes, logic need not apply.