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comment by steve

from 90-93 mk and I used to chase each other around local BBS's at 1200 baud (2400 if you were rich). I went off grid for a few years and when I came back in 1996 the whole world had changed and you got an email address for FREE from the university.

While I was off grid I remember being at some one's house and seeing Netscape for the first time. I remember my mind exploding and thinking "some one has connected all of the BBSs and put a GUI on them!"

user-inactivated  ·  3816 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My first trek into the internet was sneaking into the computer lab at the local college to read USENET for some technical stuff on how to fix my Amiga. That was in November of 1983! I remember loving upgrading from Prodigy to Compuserve and finally feeling as if I was a "real" Computer nerd.

llagerlof  ·  3816 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Amiga, Prodigy, USENET and Compuserve, all in 83's. Well, you had a master's degree in computer nerdiness.