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comment by Meriadoc
Meriadoc  ·  3806 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How YouTube and Internet Journalism Destroyed Tom Cruise, Our Last Real Movie Star

Okay, I haven't read this yet, save for a few lines that inevitably treated Cruise as a martyr, so I might be way off base here. Regardless.

Tom Cruise is Kristin Stewart in Twilight, with a bit more ability to emote. And mostly just anger at that. That's it. Can you name me a single character that Tom Cruise played that was memorable? Where, when you watch the film, you see that character and not Tom Cruise playing that character? I can't even meet the first criteria: a memorable character. He always plays empty shells that a viewer can project themselves onto as a specimen of our culture's concept of masculinity. Every time.

Beyond that, Tom Cruise's outspokenness on being batshit fucking insane didn't help. He is a man that men want to relate to, and then he became a middle aged man bouncing on a couch and is known for being deeply into Scientology. There is nothing relatable about that.

user-inactivated  ·  3805 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Can you name me a single character that Tom Cruise played that was memorable? Where, when you watch the film, you see that character and not Tom Cruise playing that character? I can't even meet the first criteria: a memorable character. He always plays empty shells that a viewer can project themselves onto as a specimen of our culture's concept of masculinity. Every time.

You're almost, almost right -- he plays the same character (often pretty well; I enjoyed Jack Reacher and some of the MI movies for what they were) in all of his action blockbusters. I only watched Jack Reacher because I figured it was synonymous to Mission Impossible 6, after all.

But. But. You forgot Tropic Thunder. You forgot Lex Grossman. Tom Cruise's one single unique roll -- and because of it, I have come to the conclusion that he can act. Sort of. Barely.

b_b  ·  3805 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have to disagree with you all. I think Cruise is a brilliant actor. He's the kind of dude that makes movies. Jerry Maguire, and Magnolia, for example, are movies worth watching to watch him. A Few Good Men is a great movie, and he fills the perfect role for himself there. Top Gun, cheesy as it is, is one of my favorite 80s movies. Certainly Meriadoc is correct that he essentially plays an idealized version of masculinity most of the time (and I think they kind of played with that idea to an extreme in Magnolia), but he does it so well that it works a lot of the time. (Also, Jack Reacher was awesome because of the surprise appearance of Werner Herzog as the villain.)

thenewgreen  ·  3805 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Exactly, flagamuffin and Meriadoc you cannot casually discard his roles in Magnolia, Jerry McGuire and Born on the 4th. You can't. He's exceptionally good in them and most actors never get to have one performance like that yet alone 3.

Frank TJ Mackey is an amazing character and stands out in a film full of amazing characters. Cruise has skills he just picks some crappy projects here and there. If he weren't a wacko off screen this conversation doesn't even happen.

user-inactivated  ·  3796 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I read the article today. I retract everything I said about Cruise.

Meriadoc  ·  3805 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Here's the thing. I was going to come in here and say there's nothing wrong with that. That he has one character and plays it well, but he's still not a good actor, because good actors can always do good roles too.

But I think I'm wrong. Maybe. I'm not fully sure yet.

I consider Humphrey Bogart one of the best actors of all time, along with Cary Grant , but role to role, they both played a similar character each time. It doesn't degrade their abilities at all. But at the same time, Brad Pitt is not considered a 'movie star' like Tom Cruise despite being probably the biggest actor in the world, and has a huge range from. So perhaps being the role of 'movie star' requires that singularity in their character. Fantastic character actors like Peter Stormare or Gary Oldman are never considered that way, and they're the most incredible actors. The role of movie star might be a role itself. That makes sense, and my opinion might be tainted by my distaste for the character Tom Cruise plays.

Meriadoc  ·  3805 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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