What is your biggest regret that you wish you could go back and change now that you are older?
Feel silly mentioning this; not even sure if this really can be summed up as one thing either, but I regret the years of drinking I did from the age of 21 to 27 (I'm 31 now). To this day I still haven't really forgiven myself for the damage I did to my own life (legal,physical, emotional, etc damage).
I don't spend any time thinking about regrets and what ifs and coulda, shoulda, wouldas. I can see now, though, that there were two roads diverging and I took one and not the other. At the times, it wasn't as clear that there were two possible roads. Except once.
I don't know if you were intentionally referencing it but the poem by Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken" as you were hinting at is one of my all time favorites. " Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference". I like to think about that line time and time again to push my self to be eccentric in life and not to be put into ordinary sedentary lifestyle in which I feel society is placing on kids today. Furthermore, I agree about not spending allotted time thinking about it regrets. I tend not too but sometimes it seeps through the cracks at weird times and makes me ponder
Id have to say at this moment is not spending time actual studying in college. As of right now I'm going back to school due to my terrible grades not getting me into the school I wanted. Now I have to go an alternate route that will take longer than anticipated.