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I studied abroad my Junior year of college for 7 months in Brisbane, Australia and must say that I feel studying abroad should be required in college. I can only say good things that came from it. The lifestyle change, the people, the culture and everything else I can honestly say has made me a better person today. If you are thinking about studying abroad I can only say one thing, go for it!
The new generation of hip hop is amazing, thanks for the link. If you haven't already look up Logic.
Honestly in today's society not many truly know exactly what they want to do and if you do good on ya. I was in a similar scenario just recently after graduating from nursing school. I was trying to find out what field I want to apply my trade in. I asked many people from every part of the hospital to try to get a better handle on what actually sparked my interest. In the end i decided to roll the dice and ended up working in the ER. Now I've been working for the passed two months and realized that I would love to work in primary care and that's what I plan to do in the near future. So in conclusion take a leap of faith and things have a way of working out. Hope this helps and everything works out for you!
Ameliorate - to make better Simple, yet effective in creating a better vocabulary.
Awesome post, loved it. I just had a question about how your body reacted to the moment in which you started to fuel it back up with nutrients? Did you go slow or just stuff your face?
Mr. Thompson really knew had to do huh
I agree with this completely. Many studies have shown that kids are not getting the right amount of sleep they need to facilitate proper growth due to having to wake up at the ass crack off dawn to go to school.
That was amazing, thanks for sharing so, so much
1. If you tell me your name I will instantaneously forget it, especially if your a pretty girl (never fails me). 2. OCD , why we have it perplexes me. I cant stop checking if the door is really locked or not(it always is, duh). 3. Do other animals feel the need to define themselves constantly as much we do?
have you been to any of these?
I recently have been "attempting" morning yoga right when I get out of bed to awaken my body to what the day has for me. Do you have any insight about some things I should be doing. Im a newbie at it
save money, make your own towards your own liking.
@jackthebandit I agree with your stance of labeling and about the transparency of the ingredients on the food we consume. However, even if you make such labels easily understood it is up to the public to take this said knowledge and put it into good use. Educate the public , change the demand , change the country. Simple as that.
Those photos are badass, thanks for the upload
I don't know if you were intentionally referencing it but the poem by Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken" as you were hinting at is one of my all time favorites. " Two roads diverged in a wood, and Iā I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference". I like to think about that line time and time again to push my self to be eccentric in life and not to be put into ordinary sedentary lifestyle in which I feel society is placing on kids today. Furthermore, I agree about not spending allotted time thinking about it regrets. I tend not too but sometimes it seeps through the cracks at weird times and makes me ponder
As an outsider I would love to see the long run implications this is going to have on the state. Just think if this does well I can see it getting passed on a national level. Maybe not as high but anything is better than the wage we have now.
Id have to say at this moment is not spending time actual studying in college. As of right now I'm going back to school due to my terrible grades not getting me into the school I wanted. Now I have to go an alternate route that will take longer than anticipated.
just looked at the post and it was brilliant. Thanks for the link
The thing is I don't believe that this is the entire visible universe. I think it is only a minuscule section that week took a photo of.
If your considering studying abroad the most simple thing I could tell you is go for it! I studied abroad in Australia for 7 months in 2011 and it was absolutely amazing. I recommend that everyone at some point in there undergrad should study abroad to get a different countries perspectives on things. It changes a lot about you as a person, with the way you think and view life. Furthermore, its a phenomenal resume builder as well. Where are you thinking about studying?
this is awesome, thanks for sharing
Stumbled upon this on my homepage . The homepage is usually good with directing me towards interesting sites and I'm glad it directed me towards this.
I don't think I have ever turned to music before when I was sad. When ever I felt a hint of sadness I needed something not only to keep me mentally stimulated but physically stimulated as well. I have always turned to working out; running , swimming and lifting for my escape goat
"A sad soul can kill quicker, far quicker than a germ" - John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley
very cool graph
I would for sure tell myself actually spend time studying. I played two NCAA sports in college and partied way too much some might say. I ended up with a 2.8 GPA which got me now where. Do I regret these moments that will last a life time? Sometimes, but then I remember the great friends that I have and still will have in the future. Its a constant struggle contemplating these ideas. Due to my horrific GPA I did not get into the grad school/ program I wanted and now find myself going and alternate route. To recap and leave you with a parting note , party hard but in moderation.