I mean that "public trust" is the most important aspect of any vote. You seem to discount this. That's where the "mandate" comes from - voting is not a mathematical exercise, it's a popularity contest. Expecting the populace to put their trust in a system they know almost entirely for its frailty is naive. Arguing that their trust is irrelevant is equally so.
I was pretty big into Black Box Voting/Open Source Voting back in 2004; that election was straight-up stolen. Thing is, it was stolen easily and as far as voting reforms go, the biggest one is getting the kids and minorities to show up. Frankly? I think the whole country should just go absentee. Keep your receipt. Any questions? Revote.
Oregon is vote by mail. You can go to a polling place and cast a vote if there was a reconcilable problem with your ballot but other wise all by mail. I don't know of any problems with the system and it helps push turn out up a bit. So Fuck Yea! Lets have Vote by mail!