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comment by thenewgreen

If you are a music fan, or more specifically a fan of "The Band," Watch "Aint in it For My Health"

    One night in August 2008, Levon Helm sat in his kitchen in Woodstock, New York after playing a Midnight Ramble gig in his barn, smoking some "northern Californian organic" and sharing stories with friends like Billy Bob Thornton and Chris Robinson. When the party cleared out and only Thornton was left, the actor raised the subject of the Band and the backlash they received from critics starting with their third album, Stage Fright.

    "On that third Band record, it was pretty much over," Helm replies, his voice filling with venom. "It was obviously a goddamn screw-job. The credits and the money and everything was all screwed up. After that, it was 'the Band plays your favorites,' 'the Band live somewhere,' because we couldn't get in there and collaborate anymore. It lasted about five years, but it was over after that second record."