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comment by _refugee_

Go for it - just because I'm noting U2's absence does not mean I think they should be included on this list. I have opinions about U2. Maybe I am really just slighting the Radiohead mention. (Not intentionally, but it's a possible interpretation.)

I also think the use of "understand" instead of the more appropriate "listen" or "listen consciously" puts a pretty different flavor on that comment. Cohen's a poet to people who don't read poetry. U2 may very well be a canonical band to people who don't listen to a variety of music. I think it may be accurate that Cohen straddles genres but I don't think most people who call him a poet spend much time with poetry outside of listening to Cohen. Feel free to argue that statement.

thenewgreen  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Maybe I am really just slighting the Radiohead mention.
-I think history will judge music in different ways. There will be those that are connoisseurs of music, that really appreciate it and then those that just want to sing Piano Man in their hover cars. The connoisseurs will revere Radiohead. The rest can have their Billy Joel.

edit: Yes, we will have hover cars.

_refugee_  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Frankly, I have no appreciation for either band[1] (u2 or radiohead) but they seem to come up in conversation together.

[1] This is a lie. Some of U2's songs are good. Most aren't. I'm sure I've heard some Radiohead and enjoyed it as well, although I have no awareness of this.

nowaypablo  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Frankly, I have no appreciation for either band[1] (u2 or radiohead) but they seem to come up in conversation together.

Sweet weave of Columbus. I hope I never have to witness that. They're very very different bands, and Radiohead is a far more elaborate/complex machine than U2, with tons of unpublicized records and songs, as well as an exponentially increasing dose of crazy on an annual basis for every album they had released, whereas U2 stayed largely in its comfortable pop home.

I say this as a raging Radiohead fan (more a fanof the god-king Thom Yorke who fronts the band than the group itself) and thus with the utmost bias. But dude, the legacy of Radiohead is a vast city, I truly believe there is no way you won't find at least one album that connects with you.

_refugee_  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    their debut album, Pablo Honey

I'm suspicious.

nowaypablo  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Don't be, it's their worst album anyway.

(except for the song Creep, Creep is good)

thenewgreen  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I haven't ever heard radiohead or U2 come up in the same conversation. I think U2 has a lot of really good songs, they're expert craftsmen of pop. I like U2. I don't think their music is akin to Radioheads, in my opinion it's apples and oranges.

_refugee_  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I actively dislike U2, to be honest. I've tried a few of their albums but none of the modern stuff seems to have the actual power of their older, more political music. It has all been disappointing. It reminds me of Coldplay in that it sounds great but to me it feels like there is nothing underneath it.

I'll try and listen to some Radiohead singles today, see what I've heard and haven't.

Maybe I always see them mentioned together in threads like this. I don't know. I just know I have a very strong mental link of the two, as if they always appear hand-in-hand. As someone who doesn't listen to either much, I'm probably not surrounded by people who are very into either band. Although I did find out that one of my oldest friend is super-into Rancid recently; I mentioned the band sarcastically and she exclaimed "I love Rancid!" So sometimes people'll surprise ya.

veen  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

To add / counter nowaypablo on Radiohead, I think the band is really good for me but not necessarily for everyone. Radiohead makes music that clicks with me, the last puzzle piece to complete my mind, so to speak. It makes sense on a deeper level. This is why a lot of fans reeeally want you to listen to it: if you get into it, there's so much fulfillment to get from their songs.

I went to Thom Yorke's concert last year and my god it was the most amazing thing I have ever heard. But I'm really sure that it's not for everyone and it took me really long to get into the band - Yorke always seems to balance between repulsive music and really great music. That being said, I recommend these songs, but don't expect to like them immediately.

Subterranean Homesick Alien. From their first big rock album, OK Computer. You've probably heard Karma Police or Creep, but I much prefer this song on the album.

Reckoner. Long high-pitched Yorke. Quite different from the first song, isn't it?

Go To Sleep. More upbeat. I personally love the opening guitars and the changing atmosphere 1:30 in. This is a great example of Thom only just singing good (to someone who isnt a fan), and distortions thrown in that might put ya off.

Little by Little - live from the Basement, from 43s on. I always swing with this version.

Give Up The Ghost, also live. A song for when I feel weak, when you want to give up.

Hope that's a good representation of the band. If there's a particular song you like, I can recommend more of that.

Also, pablo, AustinBrock is back online! Whoo!

nowaypablo  ·  3903 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm going to be an obnoxious prick again to plug in my favorite band, if you're going to listen to Radiohead's songs. Note: In Rainbows is the most friendly and summarizing album, you could start there or:

if you're into rock and more hesitant of electronic/"Weird shit" listen to:

Paranoid Android

Karma Police

Street Spirit (Fade Out)


My Iron Lung

These are their biggest rock hits, from albums The Bends and OK Computer.

If you can dig deeper into some nonconventional stuff, listen to the Hail to the Thief and Amnesiac albums, especially:

2+2=5, Sit Down Stand Up, Backdrifts, Myxomatosis, and A Wolf at the Door (<-all four grow on you quickly)

Pyramid Song, I Will (these are mellow-er)

I apologize and enjoy! edit: I really like radiohead