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comment by mk
mk  ·  4725 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Khan Academy: It’s Different This Time
The 10-minute lectures on specific subjects work very well, even if by accident, because right now, you can easily supplement your learning with them.

This is how I would use KA. When you are learning something new, it's helpful to have more than one person explain it to you. Due to our instinct for pattern recognition, I believe this approach helps build a stronger conceptual foundation.

IMO the author is right that KA is no panacea, and it seems that in the US, both the GOP and Dems are looking to do more with less in education, so we should be wary. However, saying: "Khan Academy may be one of the most dangerous phenomenon in education today." is hyperbolic. Looking for quick fixes in education and ignoring the fundamentals is dangerous. But KA is a damn fine tool in the toolbox.

Personally, I don't think 'flipping the classroom' and having kids watch the lectures as homework will work. A large number of parents won't keep their end of the bargain, and most kids will do everything they can to avoid watching the videos.

thenewgreen  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
A large number of parents won't keep their end of the bargain, and most kids will do everything they can to avoid watching the videos. -A large number of parents are already not keeping their ends of the bargain and the result is that their children usurp all of the classroom time. Perhaps with Khan, the school can have a leg to stand on when saying "You suck as parents" to them. Your child has only logged in to study/learn 3 hours this week. What's up? I see it as a way to hold delinquent parents accountable and perhaps change their behaviors. CPS might have a proactive role to play here too.
mk  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Yeah, I could see that possibility. It'd be funny to actually hold parents accountable for student performance.
thenewgreen  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
At the very least hold them accountable for student engagement. Performance may be a stretch.
lessismore  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
What?! How dare they even consider such a notion?!! Holding parents accountable for their child(ren)'s performance/actions?! That is just preposterous!! </sarcasm>
caio  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Looking for quick fixes in education and ignoring the fundamentals is dangerous. But KA is a damn fine tool in the toolbox.

Spot on. A quick search reviews many a math teacher concerned, not exactly with Khan Academy, but the way it's being promoted. http://fnoschese.wordpress.com/2011/05/10/khan-academy-my-fi...

Also, while it may be okay for diletant learning, it may not work so well for strict classroom curriculum. http://localtechrepair.blogspot.com/2011/10/cheating-khan-ac...

FTR, I liked the French Revolution videos.

thenewgreen  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
If you were a math teacher, you'd likely be concerned too. KA is something that has a chance of fundamentally changing that which teachers have spent considerable time training to do. It's disconcerting. That's why I find the criticism that KA hasn't been inclusive of established educators off base. I imagine that they are intentionally not corrupting their vision with old ideas. Same old ideas = same old results. The modern educational model has had it's day in the sun.

It will need some work revamping and may take years but I think the "flipping" of a classroom is the direction we are headed in. I love the idea of tutorials at home and one on one with a teacher in classroom.

btw, my wife is a doctor and did the majority of her lectures in first year med school from home. It was great, she would even speed up the playback so that a 1 hour lecture only took 40 minutes. Many professors pushed back against allowing this. No one likes change, especially when it impacts your ego.

caio  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Sure, because "flipping the classroom" still requires a classroom and that, IMO, is what some (politicians and people who don't want to spend money on schools) disregard. I feel KA may have a hand in changing the quality of education, but I don't think it will do it alone. The criticism, IMHO, is sound. It may lead to baking education[1] in some schools if not done correctly.


thenewgreen  ·  4724 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Thanks for the link, I wasn't familiar with the concept of banking education.