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Ted Williams, Jim Brown.. I could get on board with that. Not sure about Russell. Orr's a tough call only because Lindstrom exists.
You only threw in Jim Brown to not seemed overtly Boston biased.
lessismore · 4743 days ago · link ·
We'll give him Orr. It cannot be easy this week for Boston fans. Heck, I was pretty depressed after the 49'ers gave away the game to the eventual World Champion New York Giants.
scrimetime · 4743 days ago · link ·
Excuse me? Orr is a tough call? Over Lidstrom? HA!
Depends how you look at great. Orr was the most talented hockey player in history, better than 99, IMO. But his career only lasted 10 years. Lidstrom will be 42 in April and has been doing it since he was 21...and he's still a top 10 defenceman in the NHL.