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comment by AlderaanDuran
AlderaanDuran  ·  3724 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, how did you survive high school?

I went to a very ghetto high school with lots of fights, drugs, guns, and gang violence. Surviving for me was keeping my head down, getting jumped by 5+ people on more than a few occasions, being the only white kid on my bus, and learning to handle myself in a fight, and be wise enough to avoid those situations at all costs. Surviving high school for me was a lot different than most peoples version of "surviving" high school where their biggest problem was some emo shit like "I only have two friends and the girl I like doesn't like me back". So, just realize whatever you fears and problems are, lots of people out there have it much worse.

Basically, your problems are probably insignificant, and none of the people that matter now will matter 5 or 10 years from now. High school isn't important, it's not the best days of your life, and it's not something you'll really give a shit 10 years from now. Just enjoy it, make friends, have girlfriends, stay out too late, experiment, and enjoy being young and not having a ton of responsibility. Life gets better as you get older (in my experience), but it also gets a little harder with each passing year.

Just relax and enjoy it. It's only high school. High school is only important to people in it.