- Bullets and Burgers is a tourist attraction in the Las Vegas area that offers meals alongside the opportunity to shoot fully automatic weapons and be photographed with machine guns used in the movies Rambo and Terminator. Its website is full of positive reviews from customers praising their experiences. At least one person called it the best gun range in Las Vegas.
Unfortunately, a nine-year-old girl just machine-gunned her instructor there.
Did the instructor have kids? It would be even rougher on them. I have no problem with gun ownership. My father was a hunter, and we always had them. I learned to shoot at an early age. However, an uzi is specifically designed to kill people. A nine-year-old cannot well decide when people should be killed. For that reason alone, she shouldn't be playing with an uzi. And because she isn't expected to use one for practical purposes, it is playing. IMO some gun owners feel their rights of ownership so threatened, that they don't only feel a need to exert these rights, but take pleasure in flaunting them. The result is provocative and dangerous behavior.“It’s unbelievable that it did happen, a hell of a tragedy and trauma for the girl,” he said. “That’s going to impact on the rest of her life.”
From the video, this appears the result a storm of misjudgement and accidents. A nine year old being permitted to use a micro-uzi, an instructor who lets her practise fire one round from a fully loaded magazine before switching it to full-auto, the instructor's placement beside the girl, leaning over the weapon, the kickback from the weapon jerking the gun from the girl's hands after two rounds on full-auto and did I mention a nine year old being permitted to use an uzi?
Well, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Storm No one said that it has to be in production....Metal Storm has created a 36-barreled stacked projectile machine gun, boasting the highest rate of fire in the world. The prototype weapon demonstrated a firing rate of just over 1 million rounds per minute for a 180-round burst of 0.01 seconds. Firing within 0.1 seconds from up to 1600 barrels (at maximum configuration) the gun claimed a maximum rate of fire of 1.62 million RPM and creating a dense wall (0.1 m between followup projectiles) of 24,000 projectiles.
Well, I would say that age is part of the equation. I'm sure that I could get my 6yo nephew to be able to physically handle an uzi, but I couldn't ever feel confident in his mental ability to handle one safely. Age isn't a perfect proxy for mental development, but it can definitely be a limiting factor.
I completely agree brother. My son has a difficult enough time dealing with his little sister singing "Let it Go" for more than 60 seconds. He can hardly make the choice to ask her to stop once politely before having an emotional breakdown. Heaven forbid he hold a weapon while in the same state of mind.