(I may or may not be posting this instead of finishing my summer reading)
OK, OK, I've been meaning to write this for a while now, 50 days was just a convenient excuse to finally get it posted. Happy? Good. Let's begin now.
§1. On migrating from Reddit
When I first came to Hubski 50 days ago, like a lot of us here, I came from reddit. If memory serves, there was some controversy about mods abusing their power, and through a series of links, articles and comments, I found my way to Hubski. I've read a lot of posts and comments about how hard people's transitions were at first, but honestly I didn't find mine difficult at all. I went through the tutorial, read the primer, lurked for a couple hours, then decided I liked it here and made an account. So cheers to the team for making migration simple.
Perhaps the reason I felt like I fit in so quickly was because Hubski was what I had been looking for in reddit. For the past couple years I've had few friends, and those I have had lived pretty far away, so it was difficult to get together. As a result, I ended up seeking out a community online: I sought others who shared my intellectual curiosity and desire to participate in deep thought and discussions. And that's what I found here.
§2. On community
This seems as good a place as any to transition to my thoughts about the community here. Like I said, when I first came I felt like I fit in pretty quickly. I was welcomed by thenewgreen, my first follower, and others. Hubski is a very personable site, I think. Its architecture and relatively small size tend to support deeply personal interactions, and allow familiarity between users beyond simple name recognition. Hubski is the first place I've found in a while where I both feel accepted and like most of the people (that second part's been the kicker recently).
§2.5. On Community
OK, this is mostly for the sake of the community/Community gag, but seriously, how awesome is Community? Legitimately my favorite TV show of all time.
§3. On brevity
Now we're really getting somewhere. As some of you might've noticed, I've been spending a bit less time on Hubski than when I first started. This is largely due to a series of realizations I've had in the past few weeks culminating in my realizing that a large portion of the time I spend online (and, as a result, a large portion of all the time I spend) is simply lost, i.e. I tend not to remember what I spent that time doing, and as far as I can tell, it doesn't impact my thinking in any meaningful way.
So I started thinking more about how I spend my time, and eventually determined that the most likely reason I wasn't recalling any of the articles or videos I was consuming was because I wasn't really investing in them. Since I didn't spend much time in my consumption, I think I subconsciously placed less value on the things I was consuming. As a result, I decided to spend more time with things that I would really remember and be able to discuss. So for the past week or so I've been trying to read more books and watch more documentaries (and TV shows).
§4. On original content
The real substance of this section is mostly that since I joined Hubski, I found myself posting more and more original content and fewer links, and I've noticed somewhat less engagement with this content as time goes by. I have my own thoughts about why that is, but I also want to know what you guys think - does anyone else feel like the community is struggling with practicing what it preaches as far as OC and its value?
That's about all I've got to say for now. I look forward to reading all your responses, and really, thank you all for being a part of this community.
Eeeeeh, sometimes you'll bust your ass over something and you really feel like you're doing it for the community, and they don't see it or praise it as much as you wanted them to. That sucks but I don't think you should be upset, because you should draw a clear line between using Hubski as a platform for expression and attention, and expressing to Hubski what you think will get you that attention. We're all here to hear and be heard, but it's a waste of your time to just repeat or reword what other people say for a nod of familiarity-- what's the point of them listening to anything you say in that case? It's just that awkward situation in a conversation where you say something in a crowd and nobody hears you. In other words, if you post OC that gets no traction, no feedback or even negative feedback, don't dwell on it or blame the community. Hubski has been great with offering an audience for so many different genres, but if it misses one show every now and then it doesn't mean we're not into you anymore. We might just be at another festival. I'm tired, hope that helps. Edit: Also that's kind of half the fun imo, you might be following someone that posted something with no traction, and it turns out to be amazing. You click the share button and all of a sudden all your followers take a look and that post explodes. And sometimes, it doesn't. S'all good brah.The real substance of this section is mostly that since I joined Hubski, I found myself posting more and more original content and fewer links, and I've noticed somewhat less engagement with this content as time goes by. I have my own thoughts about why that is, but I also want to know what you guys think - does anyone else feel like the community is struggling with practicing what it preaches as far as OC and its value?
Even my engagement varies in what I feel like contributing, and what I am looking to get out of it. IMO that is a healthy thing. Sometimes I'm simply looking for news, and sometimes I am looking for something more. This often depends on what's going on in my life offline. I have the most followers here, and yet some of my favorite posts fall in silence. :)
I do think that some really interesting topics fail to generate any discussion - but I imagine everyone else is like me, and is often just not in the mood or too lazy to write out their thoughts on the matter.
That's definitely a part of it. There are text posts/topics that I'll raise that never get any discussion going and then there will be others that generate a ton of talk. It's not ever obvious what will and will not get traction. For example, I recently asked about abortion and capital punishment and it got a lot of feedback. -that was shocking to me. You never know...