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comment by butter
butter  ·  3691 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thoughts on Hubski from a potential ex-redditor  ·  

I'm pretty new here (this is my first post, actually), and from your questions, I got the impression you're applying a reddit (or other) filter to hubski - at least as far as visual design and the community go. I kind of do the same thing because I'm so used to reddit. Getting acclimated to a new site takes time, but I remember having the same issues when I joined reddit many (many) moons ago.

I am curious about administrative policy because of the ultra-powerful mod situation on reddit, but I feel that will probably develop and evolve when required into hubski's own thing. You've raised some good questions, but I think more than anything we just need time to see how things work.

elizabeth  ·  3691 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I like the way you integrate a community, Mantequilla :) The best way to find out if Hubski is for you is just to hang around here and see how it goes.