That's a summer song! Autumn is beginning, can't listen to that. Maybe All Summer Long or Wouldn't It Be Nice. Something with some inherent sadness to it.
Just because it's the Beach Boys, doesn't mean it's always summer in BeachBoysLand. I don't think there's a single reference to summer in the song. The song is aseasonal. It's about getting good vibrations, as you said "Just great vibes from this thread." EDIT: I'll grant you that "the sunlight plays upon her hair"
EDIT: oK, ok, "she goes with me to a blossom world" -- Spring? Good call veen
Have a great weekend Flags.
The song isn't about a "season" it's about the aura that people omit as explained to a young brian wilson by his mommy:
Cordially disagree! Ya can't listen to that song any other way than with the window down and the wind in your face and the hot sun bathing you. I feel that way with about half of their songs. I have an annual ritual involving the Beach Boys' "summer songs," my car and a stretch of beautiful open road on the first good weather day of the year. lil I shall have a fantastic weekend. I have much to read in preparation for being out of town most of October. Make sure you have a great one yourself.