Hey, let's all decide who "won" the #grubski challenge. The winner will have to set the next challenge.
Please vote by writing in your favored hubcap's username. If someone has a better idea of how to do this, let me know.
I think it was only twice. Bonus points for noticing three times.
I find that link and read it whenever I'm feeling down. It helps distinguish the superficial from the reality of an inherent social cycle, wherein every step of the way I either loogie in someone's soup, or my soup is loogied upon by another.
With my recipe base you can always make a meal no matter how restricted you are. I am the suburban Bear Grylls.
Veen winner, as a true one pot wonder.
Then silver to TNG because yum roux.
Bronze to GhostOfFuffle for making my mouth water with added rice. Yes I'm even cheating with my votes.
My vote is for veen because it seemed the most true to the challenge. Really inexpensive and easy to prepare. Otherwise, my second choice would be Complexity. -Nice step by step and it was fun to read.
I'd vote complexity if we're willing to bend the rules towards somebody who bent the rules. That was a hell of a post. TNG's lentils looked damn fine, too.
Oh, I hit the hubwheel for the lentils. Might be trying that recipe in the next couple weeks.