So if you're in Hollywood, this guy floods your inbox with shit that is rarely worthwhile, but occasionally howl-inducing. If you wanted to see the sausage-making of Reality Television, this is it - the belly of the beast. Deferred-compensation pilots, victims-in-training, doe-eyed lambs to the slaughter all flock. It's often awful but this one...
We are searching for SINGLE MEN WHO WANT TO GIVE DATING ADVICE TO WOMEN to be cast in a pilot for an all new television series.
Are you a single guy who knows the keys to successful dating? Do you feel like you know what women are doing wrong when it comes to dating? Could give women some good advice on how to date more successfully? Do you think you have the tools to teach women how to date better?
Then we want you to be part of our team to help women start "doing it right"!
Now casting fun, outgoing single attractive men ages 24-35 to be a part of this fun new dating show - and finally tell your side of dating!
There is compensation! You must live in the greater Los Angeles area to be considered.
Someone, somewhere, wants you to watch this. Nay, thinks you will watch it. Enough of you to interest advertisers, which is enough of you to interest a network.
I like to think they're wrong, but I have friends who worked on this back when it was provisionally titled "Douchebag Academy."
I got this a few months ago. I still have no idea why. Are you a larger-than-life personality who enjoys hacking your way through everyday tasks? Do you feel like most folks are "doing things the hard way" and could benefit from your unique tips and expertise? Do you enjoy thinking outside of the box and engineering cheap, effective solutions to common dilemmas? We are seeking individuals with all manner of technical know how -- DIY hacking skills, timesaving techniques, survival tips, and general "life hacking" savvy -- for a brand new series with a major cable network. Interested individuals should be located in the US and have previous experience engineering unusual and brilliant ways of tackling our modern condition. For inquiries or to apply, please email the following information to your name, location, and why you consider yourself a fabulous "life hack" expert. Additionally, please include photos of yourself as well as your contact information, and any links to photos, websites, or videos of your past creations. MAJOR CABLE NETWORK SEEKS TECH-SAVVY "LIFE HACKERS"
Similar shit tv show - I absolutely refuse to ever watch this Dutch show, literally called 'People at Home sitting in front of the TV' - and it is just that. People reacting to other tv shows. God, why would anyone want to watch that.
My wife loves reality television. Part of the appeal, I think is that even if it is not "real" it's much easier to sympathize with characters who aren't established television stars, who might have to struggle a bit to get by and who you might meet walking down the street. I just watched this promo for the show: While I'm not a fan of reality television, I DEFINITELY saw myself in those characters. I've gotten angry at scenes, laughed and cried and connected with my family and friends through media. So that is seems like a big part of the show. So I mean, if you're generally asking why, I'd say it's because people enjoy seeing themselves portrayed.God, why would anyone want to watch that.
I bet that men would tell me what I am doing wrong is not giving them my phone number. :P Last night I was hit on by a man who is on parole, has a prison-tattoo of a tear, and who I called out, twice, for having a tendency to get into fights when he was in his cups. Apparently the fact that I knew this about him without ever having talked to him was, I guess, some sort of compliment? He decided to start talking to me while a mutual friend and I were discussing cheating.
mk, How come this post didn't create the tag thingsthatmakeyouangry.kleinbl00? This is certainly a case where I would potentially not want to follow the tag, but would follow his personal tag for it. edit: I see now that it is a community tag and that KB didn't give it a tag to begin with. Is this what happened?
Yeah, jury is still out on them. They don't seem to be getting much love or disdain, just "meh". I'd be surprised if they were still present as they currently exist in the rewrite.
I would like to add my voice to the group that thinks tags in general need a sort of overhaul. Should definitely exist, but probably need their own page of settings vis a vis how users can wield them. And I would still love to be able to "rank" the things I follow: individual tags, users, domains etc. I follow a lot of stuff, and while I never want to miss a War Nerd article, I don't need to see everything from #music. I can't imagine others feel too differently.
Okay, but riddle me this: Why do you need to blow a tag to make a personal tag? The fact that you posted it to that tag means that without you doing a thing, I should be able to follow that tag but only if posted by you. That you had to give up a community tag to provide me a benefit that should happen automagically strikes me as a waste.
It's a neat feature to have, I haven't needed it yet, but I can see how they'd be useful. I'm sure I'll follow one eventually.