I've hit a road block with these where I can only here a specific thing with them and it's not quite what I'd like. Go to town.
When was the last time you felt the vast expanse of solitude, or took advice from the wind? (to help solve that conflict inside of you) When was the last time you were alone with just your thoughts and got to know the one inside? (the one you'd left to rot and die) Remember that we're an amalgamation of creation and on the Universe's journey there is no destination.
Nature shows us the Way we don't even have to try, all we have to do is see - open up the third eye. And if you pay enough attention you'll see that everything's alive, quarks, rocks, plants, the sky - and let me mention that conventional wisdom might tell us otherwise but I know in my core we're all made of pure light
When was the last time you pause to see the detail of a Monet, of the Rockies, of a male or a female? When was the last time you forgot about time, looked up, saw a bird and thought, "man that just flies by?" In reality there is no you and me and eventually we'll see that all there is is we.
Let something bother you now and then it's healthy for the soul 'cause when you're always comfortable you'll never start to grow