Your contestants:
1. mk - Soylant Brûlée
2. refugee - Surprise Dairy Pizza
3. mike - Risgrøt
4. veen - Omelette
5. wasoxygen - Dairy Free Banana Ice Cream
6. Though I am recused from this rounds voting, here is my Mushroom Soup
shout outs: kleinbl00, veen, Complexity,_refugee_, flagamuffin, zebra2, rjw, wasoxygen, humanodon, ghostoffuffle, rezzeJ, thenewgreen, b_b, flagamuffin, insomniasexx, Meriadoc, OftenBen, ButterflyEffect, elizabeth. Also shouting out to mk, forwardslash
I agree. That's pretty damned creative. Soylent brûlée also gets my vote. However, I'd like to point out that _refugee_ actually made cheese. I have to respect that as it's something I have never done. Also, that pizza looked damn tasty. Your crust was beautiful.
Thanks! The pizza was good, and it even held up both cold, and re-heated. I was pleased. I'm pretty sure my vote's for soylent too though. That's the slam dunk winner - although tng, I always admire how thoroughly you manage to incorporate the challenge into your dishes. I guess we all take grubski to the next level in different ways.
I have to call out kleinbl00 though, what gives man? You basically asked for the cream challenge and I offered it up on a platter. I was looking forward to your dish. I'm thinking mk may be the winner. Also, those that didn't participate can absolutely weigh in on who should win.I guess we all take grubski to the next level in different ways.
Well said, I agree. It's cool to see how people approach each challenge differently. wasoxygen, who is LACTOSE INTOLERANT even participated in the dairy challenge, I mean.. come on, that's awesome. veen is a product of his resources and mike provided some insight in to a regional dish that I was completely unfamiliar with. This #grubski thing is fun.
Beyotch, you're the one with the immersion blender. Me? My wife had three births this week, my best friend had a meltdown, I had two gigs in the Valley and we had two toddler birthdays to manage this weekend, one of which was our own. Besides which, I said "cream of" not "dairy." My wife don't do dairy. neither does my kid. I actually had a "cream of" recipe from Mother Earth News but then you went all dairy on my ass (and then three births in three days happened) and I was all fuck that shit.
Dammit! I thought I was being all clever with the "dairy" by acquiescing to your request while still making it more general. Sorry you had a rough week. I think I know what to get you for Christmas though.
My vote's for Ref. Always wanted to try making cheese- looked great.
And the winner is.......... Drum roll please....... mk's Soylant Brûlée. Great work to everyone! mk, I look forward to your challenge.
I love that ref made cheese and pizza but I have to vote for mk. Not only did he use a blow torch, he made crème brulé slightly less awful health wise.
Please consider also a last-minute non-dairy dairy dessert.