Damn, yeah the protesters have been pretty active right by my house, trying to get onto the freeway. There's been protests going on about 8 of the past 10 days in Oakland and Berkeley. Sorry for the crappy quality, it was like midnight and I was half asleep. It's been a shitshow, and the Berkeley protests even got teargassed. http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Protesters-march-again-in-S-F-and-Berkeley-5940498.php Apparently those guys were California Highway Patrol, and were in plainclothes (instigating, according to some) without Oakland PD knowledge.
It's like "throw on Instagram real quick" quality, not "post in thread of people who are making an effort" quality. It would belittle those who came before me. Also it didn't even occur to me and now I feel dumb.
HA. I was just giving you crap, I'm glad you shared it none the less. There were protests here in Durham NC last night too. I wasn't able to attend or witness them.