User "Seremonia" posted a lot of blogspam that's showing up in my feed, but I can't block the user because they've been deleted (post author is "user-inactivated", manually going to url for user's profile shows no such user). I don't know if the spammer deleted their account intentionally to immortalize their posts or they were administratively deleted, but either way the can't-block-deleted-user loophole seems a boon for spammers.
While this doesn't solve the problem, it is a Band-Aid, I would recommend filtering the domain. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and happy holidays!
Filtering might work? (I'm like veen with none of their posts in my feed to test)
mk, forwardslash Because of the holidays and the rewrite I don't think it can be fixed before the posts fade away, but it is something that needs to be fixed sometime. Maybe you and bioemerl can type in my feed in your url, since I do have him/her filtered.