There are people who play vidjagames here but I guarantee you my encyclopedic knowledge on random games from 1997 that nobody gives a shit about is second to none on this website. I've got trivia coming out of my butt. Did you know that originally, Tetsua Nomura was going to use chainsaws instead of keyblades in Kingdom Hearts, but the idea was rejected by Disney? No? Well now you fucking do. Ya'll are too busy doing concerts in Carnegie Hall and curing cancer and shit.
spots sign reading "For More Trivia, pull here!"
Gerdderrmit thenewgreen mk & forwardslash when I want the markup to change to code text it's so that I can do the asterisk self-action thing pulls the eightbit random game trivia lever
Did you know that Solid Snake/Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid is inspired by Snake Plissken, from Escape From New York? Did you know that if you wait an hour and half or so after beating Erika to Satoru no Yumeboken, and pressing a ridiculous set of buttons in the right order, you can read the message (read: rant) of an anonymous, hateful programer? Full message translated below: First off, Kaoru Ogura, who ran off with some guy in the middle of the project. Yes, you, you bastard. Don't show up at the office without showering after having sex 6 times the previous night. Next, Tatsuya Ōhashi. Yes, you, you bastard. Don't give me your flippant shit — coming in late on the day we ship the ROM like nothing's amiss. You can give me all the porn you want; I'm not forgetting that one. All that fucking weight you put on. No wonder you paid out 18,000 yen and still got nothing but a kiss out of it. Kenji Takano, Namco debugger. You are a part-timer; don't dick around with the project planner. And finally, Kiyoharu Gotō, the biggest thorn to my side in this project. Yes, you, you bastard. Once I get a time machine, I’m sending you back to the Edo period. Go do your riddles over there. Ahh, that's a load off...wait, no it's not. Kiyoharu Gotō — yes, you, you bastard. Aaaagh, just disappear already. Come to think of it, some people were helpful to me, too. Mr. Okada, who took all the good stuff. I know all about your abnormal tendencies. Yamagishi, who swore off soaplands until the project was over. Go ahead, knock yourself out now. Iwata, who joined in midway and gave it all he had. Sorry I yelled at you. Keep hanging in there. Fujimura, Udopyu, you probably had it the worst of all. Thanks. I mean it. Gotō's the one to hate here. Also, Takayama, Kudō, Suzuki, Makki, Kaneko, Aihara, Sato (the angel of my heart), Iga. Thanks, everyone. Yoko-G, good work. This game is dedicated to your wife's birthday." There's even more in that game. The last letter and first two letters of each password for a level spelled out a message: I changed my mind. Hurry up and get out of here!"Mmm, that's a nostalgic song playing. Those were good times. Meanwhile, who the hell are these people with this project? I'm so glad it's over. You think it's nothing but good memories? Hell no! Let's use this space to give out some thanks.
Right then! Just you wait! I'll kill you right now!
Yeah, that's not my fault. mk and forwardslash handle that department. That said, we are busy rewriting Hubski and with it, better markup. All in good time...
I'm guessing I might be able to come close on FFs up through 10, and SNES RPGs like CT, Earthbound, SMRPG. and some PSX RPGs like Chrono Cross and FFT. I played the first two KH games and got pretty into them at the time but haven't followed them that closely since. I'm not that active in discussions about them on here or /r/jrpg and wherever else because I unfortunately have close to zero time to play any games lately, but I still follow the industry pretty closely and still have lots of useless knowledge tucked away in my brain about a lot of older games.