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elizabeth · 3676 days ago · link · · parent · post: Hubski, what's one of your interests that you don't think other people on Hubski share?
Wow nice! I've done any crochet and my fiber related skills are very very limited. Thanks for sharing :) I find the most fun in the arts and crafts is the learning how to do it art and I never make it to the perfecting the art part. Glad to know I'm not alone. How much crafting do you do? I get the bug a couple times a year, sometime in the winter cause going outside is a bit unappealing.
I do very little these days. Sometimes I like you get "the bug," but it is probably only twice a year and somewhat short-lived. I recently started a color-work scarf (knitting). Got like 20 rows in before I realized I'd messed up the pattern and would have to rip out and re-do the whole thing and haven't had the heart to do it yet.