And here are the questions referred to in the article.
But love is a many splendored thing. I suspect this might engender instant intimacy but love? In the actual study the phrase titled is 'interpersonal closeness'.
Someone turned it into an app.
I'd also be curious what effect this would have on people who are already in love? Or what about a struggling marriage? What if the people were close friends already--some of the information might not even be new. It'd be interesting to see how different groups would react.
Don't do it in the dark!
I say "I wonder", but I've done it before just to see. :P It was just before sundown; not sure if that was dark enough, but I found that with the right distance (almost nose touching the mirror), if I stared long enough into my eyes, it began to feel dissociative, and it was like I was looking at a different person staring coolly back at me. I normally never look at people that close, so it was a bit unnerving. I should mention that it didn't help with self-confidence nor make me more narcissistic, but maybe I didn't do it properly or at the right distance...?