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comment by lil
lil  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Muslim's Response to the 25,000 Anti-Islam Protesters in Germany

Do you think it was translated? The author seems to live in London and write in English, especially on his blog.

I began reading his blog called, "Muslims do not need to condemn anything," and found this paragraph important:

    By apologising, you are actively presuming liability. Liability which would otherwise not exist. The presumption of liability here implies that should a Muslim commit a crime, 1.6 billion other Muslims think it is okay unless they explicitly say otherwise. That is a bigoted and repulsive double standard to hold a whole host of peaceful people up to.

He makes some excellent points. People are inclined to see the acts of one non-majority person as typical of all the non-majority people. Have you ever heard someone from a majority culture need to apologize or condemn acts by someone of their race or culture? Of course not.

Should Muslim moderates have to condemn Muslim extremists any more than other people? What do you think?

user-inactivated  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Should Muslim moderates have to condemn Muslim extremists any more than other people? What do you think?


Or at least, if I have to, let me deal with "Black Culture," first, since apparently I'm responsible for that shit too.

Was what happened in France horrible? Absolutely. Am I going to apologize for it? Hell no. I don't even know the killers' names. They're not my uncles, or my cousins, or my brothers. It's a false "with us or against us" dichotomy.

I'm just tryin to live, man.

lil  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·  


cgod  ·  3711 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No one should have to condemn anything. The Muslim terrorist are obviously murderous whack jobs who don't reflect you average Muslim all that well, and even if they did no one should be obligated to condemn anything. That being said, might not be a bad idea to get busy with the condemnation.

I'd say that Cristian leaders are generally not reluctant to condemn the Westboro Baptist or that crazy Koran burning preacher in Florida. We just don't imprison or kill them like they might do in say... A Muslim country. the majority of Muslim countries have laws against apostasy and blasphemy, life in prison or death is not an unknown sentence for these crimes. Condemnation is pretty weak sauce when you get down to it, sorry to suggest that you might want to let us know where you stand, because some of have been checking the Muslim worlds act out pretty close and leaves us uneasy. Savage punishment for offensive free speech is the norm in many areas of the Muslim world, sorry if some of us like to see Muslims openly and actively rejecting anti-social behavior that is culturally normative in the place they came from.

But hey...it's a free country in the U.S. of A, people should feel free to say whatever they like up to the fuzzy "incitement to violence" line. American Muslims, theoretically, should be free to condemn the U.S. and Europe, fantasize about establishing sharia law, and be allowed to write novels where a Muslim kook blows up a nuclear bomb for the glory of Allah in Washington D.C. defeating the Great Satan. they should be able to do this free of federal or state police harassment. Sadly they aren't free to do this and I feel personally obligated to condemn my government for holding Muslims to a different standard than the rest of society. Like I said, it's a free country but like I said, feel free to let us know where you stand.

Yes freedom of religion, speech and freedom of conscious is a western trip, and I'm not saying that it's our Manifest Destiny to go set everyone straight, but when a Muslim decides to make like the homeland get rid of some blasphemers for the glory of Allah it's not necessarily a bad thing to let others know you aren't on that boat.

Please don't tell me that the Arab spring was Muslims rising up and rejecting the oppressive regimes that were keeping people from exercising their freedom of consciousness. Yes, yes, that was a part of it but there was a hefty slice of religious zealots rising up for the freedom to do whatever horribly repressive shit that Allah whispered to them in the Koran or the Hadith. The Muslim world has a bunch of condemning that they should be doing in my opinion, the majority of which should be taking place in Pakistan, Saud, Sudan and Iran but I'm not sure that is what they are looking for.

simbha  ·  3710 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Interesting map

I would've guessed most middle eastern countries had blasphemy laws, but what surprises me is that Germany - a highly atheistic country has blasphemy laws on the book

Cumol  ·  3710 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wanted to comment here but then I got high (with grandma)

-this is a placeholder for Cumol to remember tomorrow, because he will forget-

Miau miau

Edit: I see, I can notify myself, this is awesome!