Account creation. Lurkers are good people.
I was pretty worried for a minute. I got my hubwheel up to 8 dots a while ago and have been lurking ever since without a wheel. But I wouldn't have anywhere to go for internetting if I had to bump myself up before I could contribute again (although this could be the push for a hubwheel, guys).
However, what's wrong with people inviting people they know to Hubski? Also, with a day of "open enrollment" each month, it will allow others the ability to join. What we would not have are the HUGE influxes of new users that can occur when we are mentioned on other sites. That's not necessarily good or bad. I'm not 100% sold on the idea, but it's worth considering.Wouldn't that slow it to only personal friends of people getting in?
Not necessarily, I may have a discussion on another forum with someone I don't actually know and think to myself, "this person would be a great fit at Hubski," and then I'd mention it to them. -That's just me though.
I'm writing a long-ass post as a reply to this, but I need to go to bed. I'm waking up early tomorrow. Watch this space. EDIT: I'm waking up early tomorrow to go to the dentist, not to finish writing. The actual post will probably be sometime later in the afternoon.