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After numerous failed doomsday predictions, Family Radio founder Harold Camping announced this month that he has no plans to predict ever again the day of God's Judgment. He also issued an apology to listeners, admitting that he was wrong.
"We have learned the very painful lesson that all of creation is in God's hands and He will end time in His time, not ours!" a statement on Family Radio's website reads. "We humbly recognize that God may not tell His people the date when Christ will return, any more than He tells anyone the date they will die physically."
- Martha Ramos, wife and mother who traveled with her husband and children from North Carolina, said, “We put everything we had into Camping’s organization. We sold our house, quit our jobs and gave away our beloved family pets because we truly believed what Harold Camping was saying. We believed everything he said and spent every single penny to help with the expense of billboards and radio programs. Now we have nothing. We have no home, no job – nothing! And all for a false prophet. This has happened to thousands of families and individuals all over America. We’re heartbroken and really don’t know what to do now.” At least they didn't kill the pets.
thenewgreen · 4715 days ago · link ·
The kids, they get my sympathy. The parents are morons and would likely do the gene pool a favor by not reproducing. I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for people that decide to believe that a man is getting inside info from God about when the world will end. I guarantee these people are insane, scary and not that unlike many others.
BritishHobo · 4714 days ago · link ·
This sort of thing has always fascinated me, as to whether or not these people genuinely believe what they claim. It's just bizarre to me that somebody could be convinced that God is informing them of the date of the end of the world, and then not lose faith when for twenty years every single prediction turns out to be false. That is some terrifyingly unwavering faith.
JakobVirgil · 4715 days ago · link ·
I have always liked Camping I used to listen to the reading of the bible without commentary show.
Just verse after verse of KJV with no asides.
I also got a perverse pleasure from his Q/A he was kinda funny and uncompromising.
in Harold's world most people are going to hell "Christians" included.
my cartoon was inspired by him.
riemannman · 4715 days ago · link ·
Though I have found his predictions always borderline insane, I am quite impressed that he apologized for the predictions and has seen his error.
JakobVirgil · 4715 days ago · link ·
oh he is nucking futs but I like him I felt bad when he went out on that limb.
thenewgreen · 4715 days ago · link ·
First of all, that cartoon is fantastic. Secondly, "you felt bad"? Why?
Also, to all the people that believed in his predictions and divested yourself financially and made no plans for the future because, hey, there was no future.... I feel absolutely no pity for you. You are idiots. Religion rots the brain. Idiots.
JakobVirgil · 4712 days ago · link ·
I always feel sympathy for crazy. metaphorical and literal