I've been listening to a wider variety of music than usual lately because I have been given a record player. I don't have many albums at all, and only one modern piece. So, I've been listening to the soundtrack of The King and I, Gorillaz (debut), Chopin's Fantasie, The White Album (Beatles), and Homework (Daft Punk).
I'd say that you have the foundation for an interesting collection. I've been collecting for a while, it's a lot of fun. Enjoy it!
I plan on it! I have an album of 50 classical composes, but that's with my aunt. It's a nice find, but at the time I didn't have a player, and she had Grandfather's. I also have Amos Moses and The Preacher and the Bear by Jerry Reed, but I'll admit I don't enjoy it. I bought him from a yard sale, just to say I have a 45.