- “The Stoics had the insight that the prospect of death can actually make our lives much happier than they would otherwise be,” he says. “You’re supposed to allow yourself to have a flickering thought that someday you’re going to die, and someday the people you love are going to die. I’ve tried it, and it’s incredibly powerful. Well, I am a 21st-century practicing Stoic.”
He’s a little late to the party. Stoicism as a school of philosophy rose to prominence in the 3rd century B.C. in Greece, then migrated to the Roman Empire, and hung around there through the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius, who died in 180 A.D.
I'm a little surprised that there is almost no stoic content on hubski. Perhaps all the Reddit stoics are sticking it out through the recent troubles.
Yes, all those of moral perfection are staying over at reddit. If you find a topic or tag lacking here, best way to change that is to post from that tag and invite others that might join you. I'm certainly interested in learning more about stoicism. I've not spent much time studying it.
There's a lot of moral imperfection still on reddit. For all the outrage, hate groups remain. I'll start looking around for stoic content to post here.