- In an attempt to reach African American customers, many U.S. businesses began integrating their commercials—often by relying on fraught stereotypes.
I remember the KFC in my hometown (in the 90s; way after these ads) had large posters on opposite walls. On the wall to the right of the cash register was a scene of a twenty something white couple and their golden retriever enjoying some chicken at the park. On the opposite wall was a scene of a black family, dressed to the nines, silver and cine china laid out on the table, about to serve a bucket of KFC for Sunday dinner. I remember it so well, because even as a teenager, I was completely taken aback. It was far from subtle, and I couldn't believe that anyone would think that that was a good idea in modern times. It stayed up a long time, which I suppose was due to the fact that there weren't really a lot of black people where I lived to even be offended.
Ads completely turn me off to anything. The way I see it is: if you need to advertise your product... it probably isn't that good anyway. Now, I enjoy McDonald's every now and then but the bulk of the best food I've eaten out has been from locally owned restaurants. I research the product that best fits my needs and sometimes decide to not even buy it. I guess I just never understood advertisements.
I've gotta wonder... what will current ads look like to us in thirty years? What are the negative stereotypes that will seem ridiculous? Something regarding age-ism maybe? So many current ads lean toward young attractive, super-fit, smart people that become awesome due to a new technology, without considering the wisdom and/or necessity of said technology. Will we look back and realize that ads played up a groups lack of foresight and judgement? Like a fool that wears Google Glasses?
aside: How do you find out who is and is not from SE Michigan when in a crowd? Yell out, no jobs too big, no jobs too small, we're father and son..... and whoever yells out give us a call is from MI. Or... Me and dog gonna go to telegraph road. Right now..... and whoever yells out get a good deal is from MI. My guess is that this exists in every market.I've gotta wonder... what will current ads look like to us in thirty years?
-Yep, I wonder this too. Also, just the sheer dated-ness of ads from my youth. Ads have changed a lot.