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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Reddit changes community guideliness, bans subreddits.

No joke guys and gals, if you are on reddit and specifically in a subreddit with interesting people that may be a good fit here, invite them. We benefit from new ideas and perspectives. Bonus points if you invite Beatles fans. -sorry mk.

Luke  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I would like to caution those recruiting new members under these circumstances, however.

A lot of the people looking to get out of reddit at the moment seem to be the types who really love to hate. I'm not really trying to tell anyone what to do here, but I think it's important to think about the kind of people you all, as users of Hubski, want to populate this site.

If you all are fine with those types of people inhabiting this space, more power to you, invite away. I just think that it matters under which context people are led to Hubski, myself.

thenewgreen  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Couldn't agree more, hence the use of the words interesting and good fit.

...and Beatles :)

Kafke  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm looking to get out of reddit. Have been for a while. I don't care for the hate subs at all, but I can't stand biased moderation. It's what made me leave gamefaqs, it's what made me leave myspace, and it's what's making me leave reddit.

Can't say I'll stick around hubski. Not really my type of people. But it's a nice enough space here that makes me want to keep coming back.

thenewgreen  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Invite "your kind of people". Ideally, Hubski would end up having many pockets of varied communities. Use the infrastructure and make it yours. Nothing would make us on the Hubski team happier than to have many varied communities with different interests that occasionally overlap. That would be AWESOME.

Kafke  ·  3553 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The problem is getting them to migrate from their current communities. While I like hubski, I don't think other people necessarily will. I actually run across this problem quite often. I'm pretty much the black sheep in almost every scenario.

zedadex  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

100% agreed. That's always seemed a far more sensible and stable result than the monolithic communities that most sites tend to end up with.

ll  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My favorite subreddit is reddit.com/r/hfy I would love to see them move to here. Maybe if Hubski had some extra features that they need they would come here.

thenewgreen  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm curious what features would be needed? I took a quick glance at the subreddit and it seems like a cool concept.

We have the ability to sticky posts and add two tags. What else is needed? If it's something that would well serve Hubski as a whole, we would be all ears.

Also, we have had past features that are now defunct that may be worth revisiting if we were to have a large influx of new users that are creative writers. lil knows what I'm talking about.

Also, check out the Primer Page for many of our functions.


ll  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

One thing that I really miss is having a way to aggregate posts from writers and condence them into longer texts. Right now the community volunteers are working on an archive that is a separate website where you can see all of the posts of a story in one place, but they are facing issues with that.

They still want people to visit the subreddit to upvote and comment on the stories to show appreciation for the stories, but the reddit API is a little awkward at that. There is no good way of documenting the universes from the stories expect for Wiki pages. Also the only way to find stories from a universe is to search through a user or the wiki. There are no tags or anything even remotely functional in reddit itself.

I would love to see support for something like following a tag that is the universe and a story sequence. Something like #jenkinsverse for the universe and #billybob for the story. I could then look at my feed and see the stories from those tags whenver they get posted. Maybe I could even have a way to trigger a daily digest of the stories from a tag that would be emailed/pushbulleted/IFTTT/sent to my kindle. Also there is no way to financially help out the writers. One or two of them set up a Patreon account and help, but there is no way to make that built into the subreddit without some crazy CSS magic.

Honestly, if Hubski would like to bring back some of the features for writers, I definitely recommend the subreddit /r/shutupandwrite and it's creator, awk(or awkisopen). He has built an incredible feedback system that ties in the subreddit and IRC to create a way for writers to improve.

EDIT: Sorry for the word vomit, I accidentally took 2 caffeine pills instead of my vitamins. send help

insomniasexx  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm on mobile. Pardon my brevity.

Are all the universes by the same person or different people?

ll  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

There is one universe where there were at least wo people writing in it. It was hard to keep track of it sometimes, especially since the only way to track posts is by a users submitted list.

insomniasexx  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So we used to have these things called personal tags. Basically it was a tag that was tied to your username. ie: #insomniasexx.goodlongread You could see, ignore, follow, etc by both the user and the tag. It seems like it might work for what you are talking about (too bad we ditched it).

The reason for implementing them was to give people the ability to see (and not see) exactly what they wanted—super granular control. The problem was (as seen in the comments of the hubski update post above), they weren't actually being used. Everyone generally agreed that it was a good concept but, for whatever reason, the implementation wasn't good.

We do still have lists. Example:


Basically, you put these together manually by stringing together pub id numbers separated by commas. Obviously though, it's not optimal because it is manual. We never saw much love for them so we never coded up a way to do them easier but if you had any ideas of a sweeter implementation, we're literally all ears.

We also allow some "URL hacking" (aka query strings) as announced here:

So you could generate a "personal tag" still by doing something like this:


Or, for your universe/story example by doing:

We don't have an "or" command do something like "show posts tagged this by this author or that author. It also doesn't seem that stacking tags works (ie: https://hubski.com/tag?id=goodlongread&tag=crimestories)

mk or forwardslash could certainly code those up in a jiffy though, right guys? (don't kill me).

kleinbl00  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The functionality you discuss is kind of hacker-level stuff, though. One problem is that lots of deep stuff is possible within the UI... if you know the magic word. And unless you know the magic word, you don't even really know you can do that, and if you don't really know you can do that, it doesn't occur to you to fish around to see if it's possible.

mk  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Actually, I think the thing fs is working on atm will enable that kind of functionality.

But we are also open to suggestions, ll. We've been talking about how to make Hubski more writer friendly

caelum19  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Have you seen /r/casualconversation? I think they'd love it here. Previously they had no reason to move, but I can see things getting worse on reddit so now's a good opportunity.

thenewgreen  ·  3554 days ago  ·  link  ·  

By all means, invite away! We are not keen on doing it ourselves, but it's awesome when you guys do so on our behalf. Means more coming from you than it would me, you know?