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comment by Archisze
Archisze  ·  3412 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Next Big Thing

People have been saying to invest in India for a while, and so far that trend seems to be correct. One big hurdle for India to conquer will be it's government for sure; every now and then some article pops up about the Indian government that implies they aren't connected with modern technology all that much, and their discussion on net neutrality was somewhat controversial: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_neutrality_in_India

But people stood up for their rights, and it seems like the government listened... for now.. The Indian startup scene is also growing, there even have been rumors of Y Combinator bringing it's startup school to India.

investopal  ·  3412 days ago  ·  link  ·  

So what, in your opinion, is the right sector to invest in? Perhaps the automotive industry with India's citizens have more money to buy cars and travel (luxury items). Narendra Modi has also recently spoken with the Chinese Prime Minister about opening up trading. Also, Modi said that he plans to implement A LOT of solar power within the next year (investment opportunity there?).