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comment by organicAnt
organicAnt  ·  3406 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you think of the video I made about vegan activists?

I tried to keep the video as short as possible while including as many people as possible and still have a somewhat cohesive message so that's probably why the pace got compromised. I'll bear this in mind in the future. Your point about naming the speakers as they appear instead of relying on credits is also a good one.

I was hoping that, pizza shirt lady or Sorsha Morava, would lighten things up a bit with her satire of meat eating arguments regularly heard by vegans. I understand they don't add to the message but I was hoping it would give non-vegans an insight of what those meat eating counter arguments sound like against the arguments for animal rights.

Thank you for watching and the constructive feedback.