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comment by LookICanType
LookICanType  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I am feeling a bit lonely...

Let me chime in, but take what I say with a grain of salt - I have my own issues, as I have a bit of Aspergers.

- ignore age, you fit in where you fit in; - meetups is a good starting place - think of where you might find people you will get along, and go there. If you like meaningful discussions, maybe join a debating club, or try to set up one yourself - it's unfortunate, but the best place to find people with your interests is to just create that space yourself. - lasting connections are centred around communication. Don't be bothered if you are the one reaching out for a long time, that's how things sometimes are. - make sure you network a lot. Get some business cards, hand them out at professional events, add people on Linkedin and other social media platforms. If you enjoy work, make that a comfortable and social space for yourself. - friendship growing is difficult. Besides everything else, it needs time, often years. Keep casually reaching out to the acquaintances you think you would like to be friends with.

Overall, it's not time to worry too much. People move around a lot and you have probably another decade to get grad school/phd, first jobs and whatever figured out until you settle in a place more permanently.