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Great article on tomorrows Reason Rally. Looking forward to seeing Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Adam Savage and Eddie Izzard and a handful of other rational thinkers on the National Mall tomorrow. If you're in the region, come out to support rational thought.
I wish that they had a more specific cause, say, increased support for NSF, NIH, NOAA and NASA. When you have a polarizing and egomaniacal figure like Dawkins headlining an event supporting "reason" instead of "science", I think it may come off as a little bit crass and condescending. Still, I totally get their point, and I would probably attend if I were in the DC area.
thenewgreen · 4747 days ago · link ·
It needs to happen and perhaps it's good that it's deliberately about "reason" and not "science". People like this need to be called "un-reasonable", not anti-science.
I suppose you're right. I like to play devil's advocate sometimes to get a conversation going. Truthfully, I agree with Dawkins et al most of the time. Although, if Eddie Izzard is speaking, I would love to see him use logic and reason to explain his cross dressing. Some things just feel right to some people, I guess; reason has nothing to do with it.
Since when did atheism get the sole license over reason? (Especially considering the volumes of philosophical thought that have been written on the subject). The title of the conference alone is incredibly arrogant. It would be nice for the world to wake up and realize that Dawkins is little more than a hyperbolic anti-religious bigot, who inspires legions of online zealots in the exact manner he purports to oppose.
thenewgreen · 4747 days ago · link ·
I realize that Dawkins is an outspoken atheist but in this essay the word is not mentioned once. The points he makes are, well... reasonable. If I were in DC, I'd be there. I do hope they spend more time being inclusive rather than the you may not like the rally for reason approach.
mindwolf, this seems right up your alley. You plan on heading down?
lessismore · 4747 days ago · link ·
- Since when did atheism get the sole license over reason? (Especially considering the volumes of philosophical thought that have been written on the subject).
Where does it claim to ho have dominion over reason? What do I need to take into consideration with the volumes of philosophical though that have been written about the subject?