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comment by tacocat

In the long term it had a positive effect on my ability to say "I'm not engaging this idiot." I'm not always perfect at it. Sometimes you gotta ninja strike the orange envelope to clear notifications without reading infuriating idiocy

Falling_Off  ·  3523 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I got attacked by someone for discussing a rape experience on a rape support subreddit very early on in my reddit days so I stopped clicking the envelope altogether. I didn't stop sharing my views and personal experiences in subreddits because I know there are people in the world who could use the knowledge that others have been through the same thing (my aforementioned post was basically a detailed "me too" in response to someone else) but I just had too much anxiety to see whether another jerk had come out of the woodworks. By just reading the subreddits themselves I knew there were moderators and down votes to handle the worst offenders and well, the attacks weren't likely to be personal since the front page has a high turnover rate and I was unlikely to come back across a comment I made.

TaylorS1986  ·  3519 days ago  ·  link  ·  

And of course if you tried scolding them they call you an evil Fascist SJW and make juvinile jokes about being triggered.

I have a friend who was raped several years ago and when I mentioned it as why these jokers piss me off so much I got called a "White Knight cuck".

Falling_Off  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This was several years ago, before trigger warnings were quite so prevalent, but I've certainly seen plenty of negativity towards them since then. I've never personally seen a need for trigger warnings, but I don't understand why people are so hateful towards those who want a bit more politeness. The SJW hate is a little baffling to me as well. I can understand being uncomfortable with extremists on either end of the conservative - progressive spectrum, but SJW seems to be used on reddit about how socialism is used on Fox news - as a scare word to attach to anyone you feel remotely in disagreement with. It seems to not have a very specific meaning. It's more of a boogeyman I think.

It's a shame that people get accused of being a white knight so much when they express sympathy for a woman's situation. Most of the supposed white knight behaviors seem like showing some basic empathy, solidarity, and respect. If anything, the world could use more of these supposed white knight stereotypes, but some people online ostracize that behavior as if it's as shameful as pedophilia. I can understand it being off-putting if a guy has a history of showing fake or exaggerated sympathy to woo women, but there should be nothing wrong with guys showing a bit of compassion now and then. Of all the slurs that get directed at men, I think white knight is probably the best of the lot. What many consider a white knight falls under what I would consider well adjusted. I'm sorry your friend got raped, but thanks for sticking up for victims. I'll respect folks like you way more than I'd ever respect a juvenile minded person who thinks insulting a person's sympathy and their partner's faithfulness is better than having a respectful dialogue.

TaylorS1986  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    It's a shame that people get accused of being a white knight so much when they express sympathy for a woman's situation. Most of the supposed white knight behaviors seem like showing some basic empathy, solidarity, and respect. If anything, the world could use more of these supposed white knight stereotypes, but some people online ostracize that behavior as if it's as shameful as pedophilia. I can understand it being off-putting if a guy has a history of showing fake or exaggerated sympathy to woo women, but there should be nothing wrong with guys showing a bit of compassion now and then. Of all the slurs that get directed at men, I think white knight is probably the best of the lot. What many consider a white knight falls under what I would consider well adjusted. I'm sorry your friend got raped, but thanks for sticking up for victims. I'll respect folks like you way more than I'd ever respect a juvenile minded person who thinks insulting a person's sympathy and their partner's faithfulness is better than having a respectful dialogue.

I think a lot of these people have a macho mentality reinforced by shitty pop-sci nonsense that "White Knights" are pathetic, submissive, effeminate "beta" liberal weenies and that women are really instinctively attracted to "macho alpha males". It's the same BS behind the Red Pill crap, basically.

Liberi_Fatales  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    "White Knight cuck".

You fell into the age old trap of the internet.

"Do not feed the troll"

DonJohnson  ·  3527 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I second this.

cgod  ·  3527 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Favorite shot at the bar I work at is called a Don's Johnson.

Pour 4 ounces of any raddler beer in a rocks glass.

Make a small margarita shot in a shot glass, 4oz.

Pour the shot into the rocks and slam it.

If someone claimes to hate tequila substitute vodka and call it a Crockett's Chub.

Sorry to interrupt.

DonJohnson  ·  3527 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No need to apologize! That sounds delicious. I tended bar for ~2 years before my current gig, so I can see how that would sell itself.

My wife is slowly reintroducing gluten to her diet, so I'm trying to open her up to the world of beer. Actually started her out on raddlers and she loves them, annnnnd who doesn't love a margarita? Win + win.

Since we're on the topic of "panty droppers", have you tried deep eddy ruby red vodka? Dee-licious. I drink it with a couple of rocks just to cool it, while I'm sipping on a light summer beer. Serve it on the rocks with soda and a lime wedge to make a basic cocktail. You really can't go wrong with it. See if your liqour distributor can get it for you, introduce it to your regulars, and before you know it it it'll be flying off the shelf (or out of wherever you keep the Jäger).

Try out deep eddy rub red and I'll make myself and/or my wife a Don's Johnson? Pic or it didn't happen. You in? I have no connection to deep eddy, it's just so well done. Not at all sickly sweet or syrupy like smirnoff and the like.

PS I came upon the handle of Don Johnson because my sloppy signature once read as such.

cgod  ·  3527 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I just left that job but am picking up shifts here and there while my next thing gets going. Not in the loop enough to get any one to buy anything.

Not that management listened to what employees wanted anyway. Strange job, work from the neck down. Never bother management and they'll never bother you as long as the till was right, the cops didn't show up and no customers complained. I only saw the owner every few months, he'd come in the morning before any one else, count the till, do paperwork and leave. We'd text if there was a problem. One manager was a big dummy who no one in their right mind paid any attention too the other was vaguely useful and cool for the 3-4 hours you might see her on any given day.

DonJohnson  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Wow that's a shame, and I've heard it from so many people in the industry. Management should really listen to people behind the bar. They have their ears to the ground and know the happenings better than anyone. I have no idea what your bar was/is like but the one I worked at made its money from the regulars. Gotta keep em happy. I suppose if you're in a bar with a ton of walkins all the time it wouldn't matter as much but still...

cgod  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No one was breathing get down your neck and telling you how to do your job or harassing you creates a fun and positive environment. I found it very conductive to maintaining a good crowd of regulars. The management blessed a large pour as well.

Do your job, pour huge shots, be cool and make great money during the summer. No fancy drink list to be enslaved to, each bartender was their own drink list. Fantastic job for the most part.

DonJohnson  ·  3526 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Sounds similar to my experience at the bar I worked at. I was mostly referring to the fact that management doesn't listen to suggestions from bar staff and think they know everything despite only mainly working during off hours. I miss coming home with wads of cash in my pockets but glad to ditch that lifestyle. Cheers