I too enjoyed the DIY posts. I really like what you did on this piece. I wouldn't think asking someone to make a sculpture is very common especially at a frame shop, is it a common request? Does it have holes for wedding pictures or is it just a statue of sorts that represents something? I think you did a great job on craftsmanship and such but I think its kind of weird they wanted their grand-daughter included. Is it a sort of memorial for her?
We get a lot of weird requests but they thought we did a lot of wood working so the shop could make a sculpture when we really just have a saw that only cuts 45 degree angles and we cut preformed moldings with it. We have to send people to a glass shop every week because they want glass tabletops and mirrors, I just had to tell a guy we can't appraise artwork, we get calls all the time asking if we can do photo printing. It's kinda weird what people expect a picture framer can do.