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I think my instance is actually what WanderingEng posted below.
I want a bug or ant like creature that glows different colors constantly.
I completely agree. I always ask myself how people get put into professional positions when they act this way. I wonder this about many things relating to businesses. How do they succeed so greatly when they do xyz, etc.. Really though, how does one attain such a management level position when they act unprofessional in manners like this?
I should also say that I had no idea what Aeon Magazine was and it's pretty cool. I find this article about Aeon Magazine quite interesting.. The CEO of Aeon Magazines father is one of the richest people in Australia being a head of a hedge fund..
Oh how true this is! My town, city, and state are not destined for walking but oh how I would love to take off walking or even bicycling everywhere I want or need to go. There isn't really anything stopping me beside the requirement of a bicycle in that case but it's just not ingrained, habit, or something I really even think of doing. Everything where I live is 1/4 mile apart +/-, but could technically be walked but would take more time and effort.
I'm thinking GNC is the unnamed store. I think the supplement industry needs to have more strict regulations especially here in the USA. You can claim to have a cure for cancer in your supplement and sell it all you want here. They are unregulated.
What a frustrating time this family went through. They both show remarkable strength through this. I do wonder though if Jennie ever has inside thoughts about Kristian and him with their other kids.
I just discovered this. I'm not really into politics as I believe they all lie to get elected then follow the money train... I'm surprised this doesn't have more comments.
I really got the same feelings coffeesp00ns got in your post. I can certainly see an artistic side to this and I really hope you continue on your path learning and learning. We could see you posting about how you're entered in a photography contest or photography art gallery before we know it!
Why don't we do this.. I'd agree to this!
How much it cost? Do you have a 3D printer or ? You have the 3D file? I know at my library one can use a 3D printer and this would be great. I want!
Wow! Really cool.. I wonder how the color lasts on the tattoo.
> Often people who aren't productive members in our society are seen to have less value and an even lesser meaning of life. We are practically raised to believe that without a good job you can't live a fulfilling and meaningful life. You're spot on! The perception in America in regards to the type of job you have is judged by everyone.
What is going on up there?
I like your triangles and your digital art. I really wish you would do more of a variety though. I know you posted something that looks very very similar to this a few days ago. I clicked your link looking for a bit more honestly. I would love to learn to digitally create art but never get in a creative mood to learn.
I don't get the point in the apple watch. You have to keep your phone in the general area where you want to make/receive calls on the watch so that part is useless. Your phone can act as a pedometer/GPS, etc.. so that part of the watch is useless. The watch is just pointless in my opinion.
My weekend was just okay. It wasn't the best weekend ever or the worst. I watched fireworks with my wife and then her mother came to our house and visited with us for a few hours. I'm unemployed at this time just having lost my job on July 2nd. I've applied quite a few places but haven't heard anything back yet. I hope I can find something today or sometime this week, I hope. I have a deep desire to become an artist but I don't have the patience to practice drawing. I just sit here at my computer applying at places and aimlessly browsing the internet. I'm 27 years old.. I need to get motivated.
I too enjoyed the DIY posts. I really like what you did on this piece. I wouldn't think asking someone to make a sculpture is very common especially at a frame shop, is it a common request? Does it have holes for wedding pictures or is it just a statue of sorts that represents something? I think you did a great job on craftsmanship and such but I think its kind of weird they wanted their grand-daughter included. Is it a sort of memorial for her?
Aww! The little pup is sure trying to reach the camera operator. Thanks for sharing.
My wife and I had tacos today. I tried to get her to have some grilled cheeseburgers with me this evening (EST) but she wasn't having it! We did have cheeseburgers yesterday though. I love good ole' American cheeseburgers nice and greasy with a nice thick sesame seed bun with ketchup, mustard, pickles, onion, and mayonnaise. Yum! Absolutely delicious!