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comment by LookICanType
LookICanType  ·  3394 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What does it mean to be human ?

Are we truly very different from all the other animals? We are just animals, and a lot of other animals share the same features we have: ability to dream, desire, compassion, ability to suffer, regret and hope, et.c

We have accomplished more as an aggregate species so far, but I am not sure if that makes us more specials. Is one nation more special than another one just because it is more "advanced"? Probably not.

Turkey  ·  3393 days ago  ·  link  ·  

We've accomplished so much as an aggregate species for a reason, though. There's something undeniably special about humans biologically that has allowed us to create and expand far more than any other species on Earth. Perhaps it's just our intelligence. Or maybe there's a quality derived from that intelligence-- perseverance? Critical thinking? Most animals show these things at some level, I think it's just a matter of where their limits are. Humans are just less limited in what they can do and understand.