I'm slowly beginning to suspect that the ultimate plan is to make everyone enter the labor force immediately out of high school, and leave college up to the richest citizens. Why do people get confused when they here young people aren't buying houses? Is that really so surprising given the cost of everything we need to pay for? If your parents can't or won't pay for your college you're in the whole an enormous sum of money, if you can afford it at all, and if ACA is repealed I have to add health insurance on top of it. Then I have to add car insurance on top of that in order to get to work and get around because I live too far from public transport, and I'm not paid nearly enough to cover all of this. Good thing we're giving the rich all those tax cuts, I'm sure that last nickels and pennies in my pockets can more than make up for it.
I had a pretty bad semester, due to some personal drama and the resulting depression. Okay it was romantic drama. I'm young enough to be stupid. Regardless, I did poorly enough that my parents would not pay for any part of college, even cosigning a loan. The student loan I was offered for 6.5k was pretty much worthless; I couldn't find anyone to cosign it for me and since I'm still a middle class white male with generally above average but not fantastic grades, I had no scholarship available either. I am resolving that if I ever win the lottery, one of my actions will be to establish a scholarship fund for middle class white people who are slightly above average. I'll call it the "Egan Dunne Fund for Middle Class White People Who are Slightly Above Average and Don't Have a Chance at Another Scholarship but Still Want to Go to School." I hope you guys are comfortable knowing my name. It might get awkward if you track me down and try to start deep conversations or share interesting stories outside of the internet.
You can still file as an independent at age 24 under the FAFSA and greatly improve the aid you get, but that's obviously far from ideal.
www.EganDunneFundforMiddleClassWhitePeopleWhoareSlightlyAboveAverageandDon'tHaveaChanceatAnotherScholarshipbutStillWanttoGotoSchool.com You're going to have to pony up some $ for that URL pal!
I was debating getting the one t-shirt. "Strike Hard to Break the Bone." Might be pushing my social standing a bit too far though.
It changes how capable people decide what they will do with their lives.