So. Here's the thing. If you search hard enough you'll find some very personal and touching, angering, saddening, or other emotional tell-all stories posted by the people here, myself included. It's more of a "I'm comfortable around these people" situation as opposed to a Burn Pit, which I think has a higher chance of being entirely fabricated or at the very least isn't as beneficial to the person posting the stuff or the community which is by and large helpful and thoughtful. To be able to be honest with yourself and honest with the other people here (and in real life) is a valuable skill. My point is probably lost as I try to make it, as I'm a bit hopped up on coffee but what I'm getting at is the lack of necessity and potentially lack of usefulness of something like this. Stick around long around, make some personal connections, and y'all will find that Hubski really is a place where we can push back the dark together, without the masks and increased anonymity.
Wow. This whole "experiment" went from 0-60 real fast. Look at this comment here. What positive contribution does this make to this site, to this community? How is the healthy and helpful? How can anyone argue that this type of behavior should be welcome? Absolutely shameful.
For those missing the context here, the initial anonymous reply was: Which, unfortunately, does not help the case for complete anonymity and furthers my belief that providing total anonymity allows people to treat others with a total lack of civility, which in my opinion (and this is solely mine) goes against the tenets of using Hubski. We're all people here, not just names on a screen.Fuck you and people like you.
Indeed. From what I understand, the whole mechanic behind Hubski, from following and filtering to muting and hushing is meant to encourage productive discussion and accountability for what you say. This whole anonymous account goes against that concept.
Hmm. Yes. So instead of having an honest, open debate, we will just attack each other behinds masks. Okay. Seems civil.Stop taking yourself so seriously, jesus christ. Waaah, someone said something mean to me on the internet, waaah. How do people like you function in real life?
You know what's really sad? If you had posted this under your normal profile, I'd engage you in a conversation. But you didn't, so I won't. That's a shame, because it's a conversation worth having. So, I think I'm done with this thread. I have better things to do with my time than to spend it in the company of goons. Have fun wallowing in hate.Yes, let's all be passive aggressive and wear a smile at all times. That's totally healthy and doesn't turn a community into a nest of hypocrites.
"I like free speech - except when it hurts my feelings. Then it should be banned!" -rd95
Fuck you.
I don't know if ButterflyEffect saw it or would like to see it. If they give the go ahead, I'll post it, but I'll leave it up to them. Personally, I hope I get permission for the sake of transparency, but I'll defer to them. Edit: And someone brought it back . . .