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comment by Killerhurtz
Killerhurtz  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Gamers: what games have you been playing recently, and what do you think of them?

Kerbal Space Program.

I highly recommend. There's a cycle to new players.

First, there's the "explode everything" phase because I guarantee it, at first (and no one ever looks up shit beforehand) you'll have NO idea what you're doing.

Then comes the "orbital" phase. You finally know what you're doing, and have fun putting stuff in orbit... and then realize there's a moon.

Then it's the "Mun guacamole" phase where you desperately try to get something in orbit/land something on the moon, but well, you crash. Shortly after that you finally master it.

Then comes the "MOD EVERYTHING" phase where you download all the mods you can to have the most ridiculous gameplay possible.

Then usually players tone down, remove most mods and seek realistic and expansion mods to make bigger rockets. (Most players, at this point, also start dwelving/being good at spaceplaces)

Then comes the patience part, where you decide to make expeditions to the other planets.

AND THEN, the final place, is the "explode everything everywhere" part where you start doing engineering monsters that will destroy everything that exists and everything that they love on launch, before doing a massive crash that will probably freeze your computer.

Also, Space Station 13. There's only three phases: the dead phase where you don't know how to play well enough to avoid your demise which will come through a variety of factors, be it antagonists, accidents or meteors that vent you to space. Then there's the learning phase where you know roughly how to play, but still have no idea how to do any jobs properly, and so death rates are still high (for engineers, singularity or space incidents or emitters. For doctors, viruses and antags. For security, antags and griefers. For research, everything). Then eventually you might reach the ownage stage: you know what you're doing and you're doing it so well that nothing except the singularity, an elder/eldritch god, a nuke exploding or some severe bad luck will take you out of the game.

Seriously though - if you're playing Space Station 13, don't fuck with, get anywhere close, or even LOOK at the singularity that powers the station (and I'm serious - the singularity pulls and eats matter, is radioactive to the point where you have about five minutes with a radiation suit, AND causes hallucinations when looked at without eye protection).

user-inactivated  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I bought KSP when it was $7. Since then I have landed and returned from every body in the non-modded system (yes, even Eve and that sucked!).

Killerhurtz  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm not there yet. Still learning orbit syncs, and mostly into doing massive probes that could be powered through the heat death of the universe probably. Like, right now - I started an atmospheric probe for Jool (I plan on skimming surface, get readings and sending data for giggles)