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thenewgreen · 4684 days ago · link · · parent · post: Hubski and Reddit: What happens when Reddit becomes Digg?
There's no doubt that if Hubski got the type of traffic Reddit does, the feel of the site would change because of comments. But as for posts, if you turned off your external feed, you could essentially keep it exactly like it is now even if Hubski had millions of users. Let's say I only follow you, mk, b_b and caio and I have my external posts turned "off". The only posts I'm ever going to see are the ones you guys post or share. -Nothing has changed.
I think it could remain an intimate and tailored experience if you wanted it to be. You could also follow many people and have your external posts set to "many" and get a totally different experience. Your call. Like mk, I don't see this as a Hubski vs. Reddit scenario. They're two different things and I think as Hubski evolves this will be even more clear. I'm confident that Hubski does have the infrastructure to handle the change that comes with growth. -I'm excited to find out.