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comment by Hertha
Hertha  ·  3388 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does your head use multiple languages?

Like a barricade your mind set up, to keep those languages nice and tidy in separate boxes?

çava  ·  3388 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes, very similar. It's as though my mind sees the (normally) English speaker, and says "Right! Access all English words and semantics!" And everytime I go to retrieve French I have to actively think, make exact translations, double check my phrases. It's gets tiring, fast. Then, there will be someone right next to them, that I always speak in French with (and sometimes they are native English speakers, but we haven't spoken English together) and there isn't a split second where I think (actively) about what I say. It just flows out. And its so lovely and enjoyable.