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comment by iammatt
iammatt  ·  3387 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Difference Do Expensive Headphones Make?

I have the hd 555, I love em but the bass response lacks slightly. When Ive tried mixing with them before the bottom end sounds in balance there but way too loud on everything else.

War  ·  3387 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The bass response on a lot of the HD series has been a complaint from audiophiles for a while now actually, so you are definitely right about that. Even with my HD 598's I notice it. I'm not an audiophile so I'm not as concerned with all the technicalities of it.

randomuser  ·  3386 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Bass response an balance don't play together well on small speakers. The reason people like the way headphones like beats and such sound is because of a huge boost in the low range that is essentially faking lower frequencies on your headphone speakers.

Your best best with headphone is a $50 pair of akgs unless you want to go up to the higher priced sennheisers, but it kind of depends on what you need/are using them for. I think beyerdynamic makes some pretty good headsets as well.

randomuser  ·  3386 days ago  ·  link  ·