As for Oasis, I used to listen to them in college. They really don't sound anything like the Beatles imo but they were very successful at telling everyone that they did. They really embraced the comparison to an obnoxious degree. They are an obnoxious but highly entertaining (in a reality tv sort of way) band. This is not to say that they don't have great songs, they do. I've always loved the song Don't Look Back in Anger it definitely has some Beatles nods. The intro piano is very Lennon listen to it then listen to this or even Imagine. They had the haircuts and like the fab four, they weren't from wealth but were self proclaimed hooligans. Here's a quick clip of Liam praising the beatles link Hope you dig Emitt Rhodes. [edit] As far as ELO is concerned, songs don't get any more up beat than mr. Blue Sky -WOW. If ever I'm down, this song picks me up again.
The first concert I ever saw was a Chuck Berry concert. I'm not that old either. He was though. It was at the Howell Michigan Balloon fest, he must have really been hurting for money to play that gig. Pretty sure he got himself in to some real tax trouble. Pretty cool first concert though.