Or you're substantially less combative than me. Keep in mind: Every chucklefuck flameout Meriadoc mentions hasn't been "fuck you Hubski" it's been "fuck you Hubski also kleinbl00 is your butt buddy and I hate him" or "fuck you kleinbl00 also hubski because you're kleinbl00's butt buddy. I think Hubski attracts the thin-skinned, and a lot of them harbor an untested notion that they're cleverer than most. It's difficult to disavow them of this notion gently, and until they are disavowed of it much of their discussion is flavored with "you're wrong because I'm clever, mommy told me so." It stands to reason that I end up as Bubble Burster In Chief 'cuz if you don't have a thick skin you got no business moderating a default on Reddit. Little-publicized fact: the FPH fiasco caused at least one moderator suicide. this stuff is realer than most people realize.
These two statements are not mutually exclusive. Do you consider "internet crush" and "blind worship" synonyms? You are not the first person who has observed, and attempted to leverage, that flippant remark as if it denotes a deep, significant, connection - for some reason some small subset of people sees that "I have an internet crush on kleinbl00" and assumes not only that I am a slave to him in my devotion, but that I must be enlightened, freed from my crush. And that it is THEIR duty to disillusion me! If you cannot disagree with someone you have a crush on you are in for a very hard time in life, relationships, and dating. If you cannot perceive flaws in those who you admire and enjoy, then you are either not very perceptive or willingly blind yourself to negatives. Neither of those traits describes me. You know what having an internet crush on kleinbl00 means? It means that when we disagree (and we do disagree), I make a conscious decision as to whether I want to engage or not. It means I sit and consider, "Is this discussion worth it?" and sometimes I think, "Nope." It means that sometimes, when we disagree, I sit back, consider everything about myself klein doesn't know, ponder how he must have an equal or greater share of such items in his invetory, and I think, "He thinks he is right, I think I am right, it is not harming either of us to think that, and to prove would be exhausting. Let us both instead be happy, and continue to enjoy talking to each other." Thank god I'm the only one claiming to have an internet crush in this discussion tho' cuz damn I don't want to know what the other side of it would or wouldn't look like. If anything, I strive to simply accept the internet user for who and what he is. It is impossible for two strong personalities not to clash heads sometimes. If my bio said I was a pistol-totling pussy-whipping rattlesnake-eating half-Mexican half-Asian cowboy learning the tricks of the rope trade to train in the rodeo, would that somehow be relevant to this discussion of whether I "only agree with [a person] when I agree with them"? No. Would you believe it? Does it matter? Nope. A person who cannot see, acknowledge, even appreciate the vast gulfs that exist between us all - the ones that get deeper and bigger and vastier as we get more emotionally close - a person who cannot accept fundamental differences, is a person who doesn't know what affection is. That is a person who thinks love is weak, simple-minded, dependent on another to be led, wholly reliant on its object in order to take shape. I do not worship. I do not grovel. I do not, as they say, put the pussy on a pedestal. I accept humanity. tl,dr: i's a dik
i'm singing britney spears after reading this so you can tell how my friday is going
Wow. It was a tiny joke. I don't care if you agree with kleinbl00 on issues or not. Like not even a little bit. And this isn't about you 'accepting users' or any larger philosophical comment. It was a little joke. It's not my duty to disillusion you. I don't even know you. But as this is the first time I can remember talking to you, I hope this isn't you putting your best foot forward to a stranger.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope I can change your mind one day. Though I looked around at our comment history and there aren't many interactions worth mentioning, not because they were good or bad, but because they weren't much of anything memorable. I don't know what I said that got you so riled up, but if you ever want to fix it and move on I'm happy to be a part of that.