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comment by arguewithatree
arguewithatree  ·  3367 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: TAGOFTHEWEEK: #styleski!!!

The pictures are high fashion so they're not meant to be worn by real people. The runway is used to inspire more affordable and more practical variations for retail lines to sell to your every day person. Think of high fashion more as a living art display; most collections have some sort of narrative inspiration and the runway show helps to depict that. And each individual piece is likely to cost $5000; couture is hand made.

ETA: also not real eggs as far as i'm aware

Here's some information about this collection in particular

TheVenerableCain  ·  3367 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks for the info! Lots of questions, sorry. I figure that tag of the week is a decent place to learn about new things. If not, just say so. No worries!

Do they tell the story or is it just music and the outfits with "styled walking" (not sure of a better term)? Seems to be an interesting inspiration for the creator. I can definitely see the artistic aspect, but holy crap how time consuming is that? How do they fund these things? I assume the retail lines relate to these pieces, but is it just color scheme or patterns or a smaller nest? What kind of folks grab tickets for the event?

arguewithatree  ·  3367 days ago  ·  link  ·  

son of a bitch i typed a whole thing and then closed the tab. it has been a long ass wednesday.

happy to educate! ask away.

i think the combination of staging, music, outfits, ambience tells the story. having never been to a real show, i assume there are programs that give a little background on the theme or the designer comes out to speak on it for a bit.

it's massively time consuming (in the range of hundreds of hours) and that's why this shit is expen$$$$ive. the path from amateur sewer to designer is kind of a mystery to me. it's something that interested me when i was a kid and Project Runway was new and shiny, but I gave up on that pipe dream because I can barely sew a straight line on a sewing machine. i think it starts as a hobby for a lot of people, those who can go to design school, people take apprenticeships and work on their own portfolios, and either try to sell to a mass retailer or start your own business to manage your line. i think a lot of people go through a starving artist phase because you have to. good input products are expensive and there's a loooot of competition.

with regard to retail, trends translate from the runway usually by way of colors, patterns, and cuts. for example, pictured here you can see patterns of 70s inspired fashion, gingham, and dancer inspired shapes. Pics below if you don't wanna click through



dancer inspired

and here would be the retail inspired versions

(yep flares are back)