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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3367 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: TAGOFTHEWEEK: #styleski!!!

These are my boots.

They are Carolina 116s. They are 16" waterproof steel-toe vibram-soled all-leather boots. They are not made anymore.

I purchased my first pair in 1991 and resoled them twice. Unfortunately I wasn't so good about keeping them supple and eventually they cracked past the point of usefulness (a hole you could shove a quarter through, or a hot dog). I purchased my second pair in 2003 and have resoled them once already. They have been through three motorcycle accidents.

I do not know what I will replace them with, but I figure I have eight years to decide; more if I keep them oiled.

they're great boots. I think I paid $75 for the first pair and $120 for the second.